Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Love Notes

I love Hobby Lobby!  I went in December looking for a few last minute Christmas things and stumbled across Love Notes for Kids by Dayspring.  I'm not sure if Hobby Lobby has them anymore but if not you can get them here for $3.99.  These are little tear out notes of encouragement and affection for kids.  I thought it was kind of corny at first but when I randomly gave Garrison the first one he was SO excited!  I could tell he felt incredibly special that this little note was just for him. 

Today he was telling me that he wanted to have a good day at school (smiley face day) but that it was just hard sometimes to be good all day (Ha!).  So I quickly searched through the book and found the perfect note: 
"You can do it!... I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. ~Philippians 4:13"
I tore it off and gave it to him and he smiled from ear to ear.  After school he told me had a great day.  He said he started wanting to act bad but then remembered that Jesus was with him to help him be good.  And when I got home I saw that he saved the note in his backpack.  So cute!  I have also found these little notes in the drawer of his nightstand which just melts my heart.

I think as parents (and grown ups) we completely forget how much the little things mean to our kids (and other adults for that matter).  We forget that a simple "I love you", "I'm so proud of you" or a random hug can make them feel like they are the most special kid in the world.  I was blessed enough to grow up with parents who constantly showed me affection.  I hope I remember to continue doing the same for my boys.

Here is a picture of Garrison with his love note from today.


Here are two quotes I came across that I love:

"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."
~Stacia Tauscher

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."
~Angela Schwindt


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