I am fortunate enough to have little to no drama in my life. I purposely avoid drama at all costs which is why I mostly had guy friends growing up and still get along with guys (or girls who act more like guys) these days. Even with little drama in my life I have had to learn a very important lesson ~ forgiveness. This word is thrown around so lightly but what does it really mean?
For me, forgiveness is impossible without prayer. If I am really angry about something or with someone I have to lift that anger up in prayer. God is the only one who can take that grudge away. As strong and independent as I like to think I am I cannot let go of things on my own. I need Him. I need his grace, mercy and (ahem) forgiveness as well. None of us are perfect which means we all have to learn to forgive each other.
I hate the expression, "I'll forgive you but I won't forget." What is that?! That is like a backhanded compliment: "You look really pretty today. Maybe it's because your hair isn't oily like it normally is." Haha! I say forgive and forget. If you don't do both you will still be holding on to that anger and resentment. It doesn't mean you try and erase the memory, just the bitterness you have toward that person.
I realize that people we are close to can hurt us deeply and cause some serious emotional damage to us. But you control how you react to people and how you react to life circumstances. Your happiness should not be in the hands of anyone else. I am the the first to admit I am deeply invested emotionally in all of my relationships (as a daughter, as a wife, as a mom, as a sister, as a friend) and it would damage me to the core if any of these people ever hurt me in an "unforgivable" way. But I have seen the power of prayer first hand and I know that NOTHING is too big for God to take on. So if you can't handle it why not give it to the One who can?!
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." ~Ephesians 4:31-32
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