You have a gift that people spend years trying to obtain - they pursue business and management degrees, MBAs, reading all kinds of self-help books by leadership gurus. But you, Garrison? God has gifted you with leadership. And when God provides a spiritual gift, He goes all out. You are the strongest type of leader there is. You lead by example and you lead with a servant's heart.
It is no coincidence that you are an older brother and the oldest cousin on both sides of the family. I know you are not perfect (none of us are), but you shine an undeniable light that others are drawn to. Your brother and cousins are blessed to have you as an example in their lives.
From as far back as I can remember you were always the kid who stood up for others. The repercussions of that (unpopularity) never entered into your mind. You just did what was right. Period. I referenced an example in the last post of one of your fellow classmates who recognized your leadership - you were his friend even when you knew that would not be the popular choice. You choosing to be kind to him proves you were already a strong leader at the age of 11 years old.
You have been a leader on every sports team you have ever participated in. This does not mean you were the MVP or the loudest, most attention-grabbing member of these teams. It means you were intentional about lifting others up when they were discouraged. You were sometimes the only one rallying in the dugout when all others lost their drive. You were the first one offering to say the team prayer before a game. You may think these actions went unnoticed by others but I assure you that we and all of your teammates remember you standing out as a leader in these moments.
You have especially grown as a leader throughout the last few years. Shotgun has taught you so many amazing life lessons. You have used those lessons to fuel your personal growth and you have passed those lessons on to others by showing good sportsmanship and humble leadership.
In the last four years I have truly come to see this gift of leadership God has bestowed upon you. I have watched you lead by example and with a servant's heart. I have watched you boldly admit your mistakes so that others might learn from them. (To be able to do this a teenage boy is monumental!) I am not exaggerating when I say that I have had dozens of teachers, parents, and leaders telling me "what a great kid" you are. I have literally received comments such as:
"Garrison is just so kind and respectful."
"That is a Godly young man you have there."
"We are so grateful our son has Garrison as a friend."
"You have raised a wonderful young man full of integrity."
"Garrison went out of his way to spend time with our kid at shotgun practice and we are so thankful."
I mean, what more could we ask for as parents? You are truly one of a kind. My prayer for you is that you remember the influence (through Jesus) you can have on people and that you use that gift to glorify God in all you do.
I did some research on quotes about leadership and all of these made me immediately think of you. You have the characteristics described in every one of these quotes.
"The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionable integrity". -Dwight Eisenhower
"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." - Bill Gates
"Leadership is an action, not a position." - Donald McGannon
And more importantly, as you know, being a good leader requires having a servant's heart. I pray you will continue to lead with a servant's heart the rest of your days - in your college years, in your career, in your circle of friends, and most importantly - as a husband and father one day. God has given you a gift for leadership. Do not let pride get in the way and remember that is a gift from Him, which means you are the vessel - shining His light to others.
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' ". -Acts 20:35
"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Fater in heaven." - Matthew 5:16
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