Thursday, August 9, 2012

No Matter What Others Do...

Last night's VBS quote was, "No matter what others do, trust God"!  You smart cookies see the theme of the week, right?!  (Trusting God for those of you who are scratching your heads.)  In a previous post I mentioned that we are writing down the quote each night to make a book this weekend.  Last night AS I was writing down the quote Garrett started yelling at me in frustration about something he had his panties in a wad over.  (I have a very loud husband for those who do not know him.)  I could have easily yelled at him, "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?  Shut the hell up!!!  The kids are in bed!!!"  But I didn't.  Instead I sat there and laughed (which I'm sure he didn't appreciate, ha!) because God always finds a way to get his message across to me loud and clear. 
Side Note: Garrett apologized this morning for being so ridiculous.

Most of us have been taught since childhood to do what we know is right and not "give into peer pressure".  Sometimes that is way easier said than done.  We are human after all.  But in a "modern society" where so many sinful things are accepted and even praised it can be hard to follow/trust God.  It can be hard to keep everything black and white as opposed to venturing into the grey.

For me being around negative people can really make me want to just give up.  It makes me want to join in the complaining and focus on everything negative in my life.  But the truth is I am SO much happier when I focus on my blesings and wake up each day thanking God for another day to try and be a better mom, wife, friend, daughter, sister, etc.

In the midst of this broken world we have to trust God no matter what is going on around us.  I'm sure many of you have people in your lives who constantly hurt you or disappoint you in some way.  But that is not God's fault.  He has given us  free will.  We have to focus on His promise that He will never forsake us and keep trusting Him even when things or people seem to be falling apart around us.

I don't have a recipe to include on today's post because I went to eat with some friends last night.  I will say I am super proud of myself for going to Chipotle and having a scrumdidlyumptious (yes, that's a word) dinner for under 10 carbs.  I'll leave you with a funny picture I saw on Pinterest the other day.  I really hope this isn't the case with me!


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